About me

I am a professional translator specializing in technical documents, translating from Italian and English into Turkish. My expertise lies in the fields of user manuals, automotive, and industrial machinery.

Alongside my work, I have a deep appreciation for Free and Open-Source Software (FOSS). Over the years, I’ve explored various Linux distributions, enjoying the process of testing and adapting different tools and environments. Although my professional commitments often require me to use specific CAT tools like Trados and MemoQ, which are not always compatible with Linux, I remain curious and keep an eye on the latest developments in FOSS.

Recently, I decided to take on a new challenge: driver development. After running into some issues with my Lenovo ThinkBook while using Haiku OS, I became curious about how hardware interacts with software and thought about writing my own drivers. I see this as a chance to learn new skills and gain a better understanding of technology, and I’m excited to share my journey as I tackle the complexities of driver development.